What is it like working on a newborn session with two little ones at the same time? Is it possible to “handle” and feed, change, put to sleep and arrange the babies at the same time? I assure you that it is possible – and every experienced mother of twins will confirm it. And I, as a newborn photographer with a lot of experience, can confirm that even though it is not the easiest thing to do, it is feasible for a single photographer to do a newborn session. Below you will find a few examples:

The most important role in this newborn session was played by little Karolina and Michaś – several days old newborns on the day of the session. Two sweet little noodles.

What does planning a newborn session for twins look like?
The initial date of a newborn session in our studio is set for about 10-14 days after the due date. However, this date needs to be verified when the babies are already in the world. The date of the session may be changed if the stay in the hospital after the birth is prolonged or in case of low birth weight babies. We will then wait until the babies have gained strength and weight.

How long does a newborn session of twins last?
A two newborn session lasts slightly longer than a standard newborn session. Usually however not longer than 4h. Most of this time is spent on feeding, changing and putting the babies to sleep. It takes skill to put newborns in photographic accessories almost at the same time – coming to Marta Ponsko’s studio you can be sure that you leave your newborns in the best hands.

How to prepare for a newborn session of twins?
Preparing for such a meeting requires packing the right accessories, the first of which are hygiene products (such as tetanus nappies, pampers, wet wipes) and dummies (these prove indispensable when you need to temporarily soothe children and keep them sleeping while you change them.
Detailed tips for what to bring with you and how to prepare for your newborn session can be found here: PREPARATION FOR A NEWBORN SESSION OF TWINS

If you are interested in details of the twins’ newborn session – please contact us by email or phone CONTACT.